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This article is created for individuals who will want to know about Jumia and also want to earn from Jumia as an Affiliate.

Here is a basic and easy way you can understand Jumia before signing up as an affiliate. !

Content Page

  • What is Jumia ?
  • How can I make money with Jumia ?
  • How much does Jumia pay its staff ?
  • What is Jumia Black Friday ?

1. What is Jumia ?

Jumia is a leading e-commerce platform in Africa. It is built around a marketplace, Jumia Logistics, and JumiaPay.

2. How can I make money with Jumia ?

You can start making money by joining jumia Affiliate program! You can register for free and get approved the very next day. You can start advertising Jumia on your website, blog or social media page and earn a commission. Sign Up on the Jumia website.

3. How much does Jumia pay its staff ?

The average estimated annual salary, including base and bonus, at Jumia is $115,189, or $55 per hour, while the estimated median salary is $114,429, or $55 per hour. At Jumia, the highest paid job is a Senior Marketing Manager at $257,259 annually and the lowest is an Admin Assistant at $46,196 annually.

4. What is Jumia Black Friday ?

Jumia also conduct a Black Friday which is the biggest online shopping event in Africa. As the Christmas season is nearly upon us, Jumia has made it possible to enjoy the best of deals online by bringing you products ranging from electronics, household items to fashion clothing at discounted prices.

Note: With Jumia you can shop anywhere in Africa. To Join our Affiliate team sign up Now.

You can always visit our comment section below this page; if this post was helpful to you or Not

Welcom to Woged Wiz Affiliate Tutorial !

This post is an opening for any individual who will want to know how and become an affiliate marketer.

Withouts wasting much time I will use the Content page below to introduce us to the Introduction to the knowledge of an Affiliate Marketing.

Content Page

  1. What does becoming an affiliate mean?
  2. Is being an affiliate worth it?
  3. What is an affiliate website?
  4. What is an example of an affiliate?
  5. How can you tell if a website is a affiliate?

1. What does becoming an affiliate mean?

Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person's or company's products.

The affiliate simply searches for a product they enjoy, then promotes that product and earns a piece of the profit from each sale they make.

2. Is being an affiliate worth it?

When you sell your own products or services, it can be very profitable to use affiliate products to compliment the product you're selling.

But it will be good if you can find a product closely related to your product yet different, affiliate marketing is almost certainly worth considering.

3. What is an affiliate website? 

An affiliate website is a site that promotes affiliate products. 


Just like facebook. "Yes" you may be asking if facebook is an affiliate site? Yes.

Because you can use Facebook to promote even your product by promoting Ads on facebook. You are promoting Affiliate on facebook.

Unlike selling on Jumia or Amazon, you do not own these products. You promote other people's products through affiliate links and earn a commission.

Note: These products can be digital or physical but most of these sites promote physical products.

4. What is an example of an affiliate?

Sometimes marketers promote their affiliate programs by offering bonuses to anyone who purchases the offer. For example, you could give a free ebook that you wrote to any follower who makes a purchase. 

Note: Promotions like this encourage customers to buy by more from you.

5. How can you tell if a website is a affiliate?

Affiliate link disclosures are a legal necessity, and their use can also build reader trust in both you and your affiliate products. 

With a link management tool such as Woged Wiz, you can create affiliate disclosures for your website in minutes, and you can even automate the process.

Search for sites with similar contacts. Try to type the phone, mail, address into the search. If you find that other websites with similar content, besides your website appear, it's worth checking two sites for affiliation. Check the uniqueness of the pages.

You can visit the comment section below if this article was Helpful to you or Not



If you're thinking about How to Start a blog or how to become a blogger?

This article is for you !

Here we are going to be discussing about the best CMS or blogging platform, to use for blogging.

We will compare together all the popular blogging platforms or CMS separately.

The 6 Best Blogging Platform to Consider:

Page Content

  • Blogger
  • Ghost
  • Wix
  • Square space 

1. WORDPRESS.ORG is the "real wordpress" and the popular website platform that you have heard about, that will allow you to be in charge of your own blog site.

It is an open-source to easily use. And all you need is just a domain name and web-hosting.

Note: This is why it is also referred to as self-hosted WordPress.

Why use WordPress ?

Meaning, that you can easily install it on your own web & host and to create a website that is 100% of your own.

Also its SEO friendly, highly secure, mobile responsive, high performance, easy and accessible, powerful media management and can be managed on the go.

Note: Over 45% of the websites use wordpress, from hobby blogs to the biggest news site online.


  • It is simple to setup and "No" coding knowledge is required.
  • You can use the custom domain name of your choice eg.
  • You will  have "Full control" of your site.
  • World's 35% site is powered by WordPress.
  • It is user-friendly, full access to 2,000 + themes and 40,000 + plugins from WordPress repo (approx. It can be more or less).
  • You can use custom design and plugins.
  • It have design and plugins that are available for free and premium version by the third party or its official repo also.

Greater community supports to help you manage and grow your site.

Note: If you have any query you can contact them through their support form/forum.

Prefer for:

  • Professional bloggers who want to make money online through a blog.
  • Bloggers who want full control over their blog site.
  • Hobby bloggers.

Reliable Hosting for WordPress:

Bluehost (starting at $2.95/month) and WPX (starting at $20.83/month, up to 5 websites) or Digital Occan (starting at $5.00/month, for advanced users or developers).

Note: Do not be confused with and because even is free, just that it need a domain name and web-hosting.

2. WORDPRESS.COM is a platform for self publishing that is popular for blogging.

It has hosted version of WordPress and you have limited access to your blog. It is owned and operated by Automatic, inc. It's run on a modified version of WordPress.

Note: In this blogging platform, you can't have full control over your blog. You can't install plugins; for premium designs, you need to pay for them 

Is safe ?

Yes! Wordpress is developed with security in mind; and it's considered to be very safe and secure platform to run a website.

Nevertheless, just that you can't have full control over your blog and install plugins; for premium design and you need to pay for them.


  • Simple to setup and no coding knowledge is required.
  • At the time of sign-up you will get a sub domain name like
  • You can't install custom plugins or themes.
  • Comparing it to self hosted WordPress, it is limited functionality.

Ad served by WordPress.

Note: You can use your own custom domain name instead of sub domain.

Perfect for:

  • Hobby bloggers
  • Blogging companies

Note: WordPress is perfect if you want to start blogging for "fun"; "Not" for money than a "Great blogging" platform.

You can't serve your own ads, so not perfect for professional blogger.

3. BLOGGER.COM is an online content management system (CMS) that facilities the creation of informal online discussion site; also called blog.

In; blogging platform, you can use HTMLCSS; and JS files to enhance your blog, it's designs, and widgets.

In order to use Blogger, you must create a Google account; individuals with existing Gmail email address can use this account.

Note: is a google product which served by Google.

Is safe ?

Yes! It is a much safer website than a self-hosted WordPress (WP) blog.

If you enable two-factor authentication, it will be impossible for hackers to take your site; because Blogger ask's users to enter their G-mail password to log into their profile.

Note: All websites powdered by Google are secured.


  • Simple setup and no coding knowledge is required.
  • You will get sub domain name like:
  • is simple and easily accessible so that a newbies can use it.
  • You can't use your own plugins or extensions with limited access.

Note: You can also use your own domain name instead of a sub domain name.

Perfect for:

  • You can use your own ads, so it's also suitable for small bloggers.
  • In my opinion, it's not for professional bloggers.
  • Simple in use: so that newbies can use this as a blogging platform.

Note: Newbies is an inexperienced newcomer to a particular activity. It's also called
  • Beginner
  • Novice
  • Newcomer

4. GHOST.ORG is an open-source Publishing platform that is free to download and use. It provide a live writing interface of all articles; so that you can correct wrong words and time writing.

In addition, the foundation offers a paid hosted platform for users who would like to run a live blog on the Word Wide Web (www); as an alternative to configuring a server and running a manual install of the software package.

Note: You need to pay for it's hosting.

Is Ghost faster?

Independent tests have found Ghost to be up to 1,900% faster than WordPress.

Because Ghost is powered by a morden, technology stack using node. JS; which is fast. Really, really and really ridiculously fast.

Note: Much like WordPress; Ghost comes in two variant:
  • Self-hosted version that is free to download and use.
  • Hosted version on Ghost's own servers.


  • Not perfect for Beginners/newbies
  • Perfect skilled bloggers, who know about ghost.
  • No more detailed article or more related blogs available.

Note: Your blog will be a Ghost sub domain that end with Except you buy a custom domain from a third-party domain registrar.


is another type of blog builder and similar to square space.

It provide clould-base web development service that allows user to create HTMEL websites and mobile sites through the use of online drag and drop tools.

Note: A bit difference between Six and Squarespace; is that Wix has "No" freedom to the customization of "Look" and "feel"; but it provides you a free sub domain.

Is Legit ?

Important; is that legitimate Wix; emails always and with

Because Wix is a trusted and well known service; attackers may attempt to impersonate Wix with fake emails and  deceive.


  • 500 + Stunning template
  • Unlimited band with
  • Support 24/7 chat, help center.
Note: provides customized website templates and drag-and-drop HTML 5 website builder that includes app, graphics, images, galleries, fonts, vectors, animation and other options.

Users also may option to create their website from scratch.

6. SQUARESPACE.COM is a do-it-yourself website builder, blogging platform and hosting service.

It allows businesses of all types to create a professional websites with the server's and it is user friendly; also a drag-and-drop interface, just like 

Note: Squarespace is a way to build website. For an annual or monthly subscription. It provide access to a set of tools that you can use to design your own site.

Is Sqarespace free ?

Fortunately they do offer a 14-day's free trial to try it first and it does not require a credit card requirement. is quite popular in the part time. It has some easy to use and manage, simple user interface features and you need to pay for it from $8 to $24 per month.

With this, you can create an e-commerce site front. does not have a free plan.

Is Squarespace better than Wix ?

Wix is generally a better, more versatile tool, with more flexibility for a wide range of websites., on the other hand, scores points for their blogging features and their full-responsive templates.

Visit comments on the comment section of this page: If this article was helpful or not to you. 



This post is created for beginner's who will want to create a blog site of there own.

If you are hopping or wanting to create a blog of your own; is a very good decision making, because with a blog you can make a living.

This post is created for beginner's who will want to create a blog site of there own.

If you are hopping or wanting to create a blog of your own; is a very good decision making, because with a blog you can make a living.

How is it Possible?

Yes! It is possible and it will be more profitable if you blog about what you are passionate about.

Chiboynini is her to help you create your own blog site of your own.

Some people start blogging because they want:

  • To documents their thoughts
  • To make money
  • To educate others etc

Yours may be one of the above or whichever way, blog can be used to achieve your goals.

There is just one thing you need to start your blog site:

  • A domain name

Note: You can change your domain name at anytime, that is if you want to change it.

In this guide, I believe that you will be able to create your own blog site.

To make it  soft for you to understand, l'm suggesting only those options in terms of  platform, hosting which are working for everyone.

Page Content

  1. Select the blogging platform
  2. What your blog is about?
  3. Pick a blog name and domain
  4. Pick the hosting to start a blog
  5. Setup your blog
  6. Design your blog
  7. WordPress plugins

Remember that this guide is for users like you who is just starting out and want to know a little or nothing about blogging.

Within the next minutes you will have your blog setup and running.


First, this is what you need to know is that, there are many blogging platforms out there and people have deferent understanding about each of them.

As you can see, Many bloggers today use WordPress platform to start their blogging career.


Because, WordPress is easy to use and over 45% of the website's in the world is powered by WordPress.

I am suggesting that it will be good if you use WordPress, because once you have passed the testing period; you are ready to do something more profitable.

Note: WordPress have a free plan .com and a self hosted plan .org please I advice go for .org


Choosing what your blog is About is a very important aspect when you think of starting your blog. Because blogging about everything to make money. It will not work and your opportunity of success is better; if you blog on a single "TOPIC".

In respect of trying to blog about everything. You might be a jack of all trade, like trying to start a blog on multiple "topics ".

Blogging everything will not be profitable, because people Like to subscribe to a blog; which is anything on a particular to topic.

For you to grow your blog you will need a "Niche" (Topic), for your blog.

Note: Google which is the biggest search engine prefer a website which is built on a single Topic.

Just like "chiboynini" and topic is "blogging"; and that is how you found chiboynini.

How to Find a Topic For Your Blog?

Here are some ways that can help you to get started:

1. Think of a "topic" that you know better than anyone else. It could be the job you are doing and it could be about anything, at least 6


  • Motivation
  • Technology
  • Scientific research
  • Blogging etc.

2. Pick up your pen and paper.

3. Write out the topic's each in a deferent columns.

4. Try to write out all you can write a bout each of the topics without browsing knowledge from anywhere, that is use your of hand.

5. Review each of the topic's and see your passion or blog topic.

I assume that you have selected a topic for your blog; which can make some money for you.

Picking the appropriate topic is the first thing to do before thinking of creating a blog.


What is  a Domain name?.

A Domain name is the URL of a blog which a visitor will use to open a blog site.


A custom domain name is like; whereby, you will need to pay $12/year.

Rules Which Will Help You To Pick The Best Domain Name For Your Blog:

Your domain name should be easy to pronounce, typed and remember.

Maker sure your domain name, is not confusing to listener's.

I prefer you use ".com" domain name; because it is above everything else.

I will suggest, you choose a plan that will help you to save $12/year on a domain name purchase; like Bluehost platform.

You can use suggestion features to check if your domain name is available and if it is not available, then you will see Bluehost available domain name's will appear for you to choose from.

Note: you can use your own name as you domain name eg.; and it will be great for personal portfolio or if you are planning to make yourself a brand.

Nevertheless, I suggest; having a generic name. So, that in the future, I can have people running it, and I can enjoy the benefit of a solo premiership.

My suggestion is to be creative and follow the rule, I shared above.


What is Web-hosting?

Web-hosting is where WordPress will be installed and  running 24/7 hour's online, where future blog image, designs and  everything will be stored.

Note: All will be on this server that is how your website will be up and running 24/7.

There are many hosting service providers, but for your blog:

Bluehost; hosting service are cheap and is the best choice as it offers everything you need to create a blog.

Feature's like:

  • Free SSL
  • Unlimited brand with
  • Unlimited storage
  • Free domain name (saving of $12/year).
  • Easy to use cPanel
  • Live chat support
  • 30 day's money back guarantee

Note: The best part, is that it will host your blog site for you and it only cost $2.94/month (Basic Plan).

To buy a hosting from Bluehost, visit and click on get started then fill the forms and pay with your credit card.

Note: When filling up your contact info, please pay attention to the package extras as you can skip a few things to save some money. 

That is to say: apart from Domain privacy portion, you should uncheck everything before making payment with your credit card to avoid unwanted charges.

After your Payment:

Once you have make payment; Bluehost will also create your blog in the next 10 minutes.

This will be done automatically and saves a lot of stress for beginners; who just want a ready made blog.

Here is the Cool Part:

Once you are done buying + domain name; Bluehost will also automatically install the WordPress software on your domain name.

That means, your blog is installed and "now comes", the cool stuff with is something every beginner enjoys.


The best thing about Bluehost is that, it will automatically install the blog for you.

Nevertheless; you are not done, as you need to complete a few things before you will write your "First Blog Post".


What is Blog Design?

Blog Design is the practice of optimizing a blog's look, feel, branding, readability and functionality in order to maximize visitor, readership and conversions.

Mean that Blog Design is the most important aspect of your blog, because a good design will ensure that your visitor's will Love your blog; it will help visitor's to remember your blog.

Note: You can reason your blog design like; when you look nice in you dressing.

WordPress, have a concept called "WordPress themes", and they are already made design's that are available for all type of blog.

WordPress, have many free and premium themes out there. I will advice you to go for premium theme, because you will get all the support and starter guide; and also have a quality design for your blog.

There is One Easy Modern theme Clubs, I Want to Recommend for you to Start with:

  • Astra Theme:

Is the fastest, flexible and free WordPress theme that is intuitive and offer's deeper integration with Woo commence; also with a unique features and countless customizations that you can to build a store that will match your brand.

Once you install this, you can pick from the ready-mades template and your blog design will be ready within 30-45 minutes.

This is a perfect companion for any new WordPress blog.

Note: I only recommend this one for a professional start; because more premium WordPress themes clubs are out there.


WordPress Plugin is something that will help add new functionality to your WordPress site or extends existing functionality on your site.

There are thousands of WordPress Plugins out there:

Here are some important plugins that you should have on your newly created WordPress blog site:

  • Yoast SEO
  • Short Pixels
  • Jetpack by etc.

Now if you have followed all the steps above, your blog is up and ready.

Visit comments on the comment section of this page: If this article was helpful or not to you. 

This is a guide for beginners; who want to build a blog site of their own and live a Boss free life.

Yes! It is possible to make a living as a blogger. It is better if you follow your passion and make income along.

Wogedwiz is here to help you start a blog site of your own.

Some people start blogging for some reason and son of their reasons my be:

  • Shearing their learning's
  • Steady income and making money.
  • Documenting their thought etc.
You could be one of the above or some other reason; whichever way, blogging can help you to achieve your goal.

Things you need to know before starting a blog site:

This details guide with some theory and practical knowledge. A bit of reading, and a bit of following steps to start a blog.

This is just one important thing you need to start a blog:

  • Your domain name

Note: You can change your domain name at any time, if you like.

In this guide, you will find answer's to all these questions and will be able to start a blog site.

Here are the steps to start a blog:

  1. Pick a blog Topic (Niche)
  2. Select the bogging platform
  3. Pick a domain name and hosting of your blog site
  4. Install WordPress
  5. Set up the design of the blog site
  6. Install WordPress plugins
  7. Write your first blog Posit easier for you, I'm suggesting only those optios
To make it easier for you, I'm suggesting only those options in terms of platform, hosting which are working for everyone.

Page Content:

  1. Select the blogging platform
  2. What your blog is all about ? ( Niche)
  3. Picking a blog name and domain name
  4. Picking the hosting to start a blog
  5. Set your blog
  6. Design your blog
  7. Install WordPress pluginsHOW TO 
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